
This week, we continue messing about with art and interface and specific subsystems instead of adding new features or changing game balance (the latter being the sort of thing we want to a lot less now). But that doesn’t mean we haven’t been hard at work! The right-click selection interface has been refined further in […]

You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Pit Dog

So, this week’s update has brought a visual update to a large chunk of the character class effects (that triad of perks which each hero comes loaded with), making the in-game portraits look a whole lot less grotty. Hooray for that! We had a great deal of fun making appropriate themes and visual styles for […]

Burnt Toast

This week, we’ve put a fair bit of art oomph behind more of the Kingdom graphics. Aside from completing the building sprites (woohoo!), we’ve also revised the quest toast system as shown above. Instead of disjoint boxes and confusing scroll rules, you’ll enjoy a neatly presented banner announcement with all relevant completion info and delightful […]

New-Age Combat

Welcome to the modern era of gaming! In a supreme flush of forward thinking and divinely-inspired game dev smarts, we’ve implemented an alternative UI for enemy engagement, giving players the option to select a foe and kill it with the help of a quick options menu instead of the classic DD fighting style. Great for […]


It’s somewhat satisfying whenever we wipe out the more uggo elements of the old UI in favour of newer, sleeker and more accessible systems. The Kingdom continues receiving love on all fronts, helped along generously by user reports which let us work out the kinks that much faster. This week, we’ve been putting our work […]

Amulet of Clarity

This week’s an interface update, folks. The most noticeable change is the movement of building panels into the Kingdom’s sidebar, which involved a fair bit of code reshuffling to make the new system work as intended (you may read that as code for “here be dragons and / or uncaught bugs”). As those of you […]

Rex Effex

This week is heavier on bugfixes again, but we’ve made a few interface and design tweaks according to recent player concerns (don’t get too excited about balance though, we’re keeping our interference super light on that from now on). The new effects icons should start rolling out this week, and will continue doing so for […]

The True Tale of Transmuters

Right, so a bunch of you have been complaining about the apparent dissonance between the Transmuter’s lore and his abilities. We’ve attempted to clarify this point with an all-new set of Transmuter challenges that absorb the old storyline and update it just a lil’ bit. Have fun! As is the norm recently, we’re pleased to […]

Trade Opportunities

The Tinker challenge dungeons are in now! Aside from that, welcome to the first full update week in a while. Phew. We nailed a chunk of that huuuuuuge bug list that crept up on us over the break, tweaked some minor balance issues here and there (in an unprecedented move, we’ve been quite generous towards […]

Arise From Death

GDC is behind us for another year – and so are the long flights, communication delays and jet lag. Our normal update / work schedule resumes next week, but we’ve thrown together a couple of things for the front end that you’ll appreciate, including an all-new set of Crusader challenges featuring the all-new Ratling opponents […]