This week’s an interface update, folks. The most noticeable change is the movement of building panels into the Kingdom’s sidebar, which involved a fair bit of code reshuffling to make the new system work as intended (you may read that as code for “here be dragons and / or uncaught bugs”).
As those of you who read our blog post on the subject are already aware, we’re trying to get certain tasks and game areas done and dusted in a very definite manner. We’ve already abandoned most trivial balancing concerns (favouring user interface and player expectation problems) and we’d like to get the Kingdom locked down soon, too. Expect regular poking at that over the next few weeks.
Since the changelog generally does a good job of explaining what already IS changing, we’ll mention here that the coming weeks are also going to see more changes made to the in-dungeon interface, mostly related to combat interactions and supporting animations for “everyday” stat adjustments. We’ve been receiving a lot of feedback from new players recently about their experiences with the early stages of DD. Our thanks to all of you – even the horribly confused ones. Especially the horribly confused ones.
Slowly but surely, our Kingdom is winning the war against its greatest and most long-standing nemesis: poor UI. The changelog that follows chronicles just one battle in this epic, years-long conflict:
- Added click protection after failed cast events, attacking only possible after moving the mouse.
- Changed building panels to be side panels.
- Fixed a bug where preps were being added to incorrect buildings.
- Fixed a bug where Thief Den preps could be over the change profile button.
- No longer possible to go to map, char, or prep select screen until the guild is upgraded to lvl1.
- Fixed a bug where mousing over some images could cause s subtle shift.
- Conversion bonus effect capped at 100%
- Some tutorial messages adjusted
- Northern Desert now spawns two bosses at once
- Vicious variant dungeons given their own names
- Agbaar’s Academy now unlocks at the correct time
- Freshly upgraded buildings open their panels correctly
- Expanded effects panel won’t open if no effects exist
- More generator tweaks to eliminate cases of cut-off dungeon areas
- Potion kit resets properly when cancelling / reselecting dungeon runs
- Second round of effect graphics updated.