Greetings, noble Kingdom Administrator! It’s an interesting time in the life of our ever-growing realm. Travellers regularly stop by the local tavern to regale stories of fabulous treasures hidden around the capital. Adventurers of all kinds are working themselves into a frenzy seeking out powerful artifacts such as the epic Tri-Sword, the berserker blade Whurrgarbl and the legendary Gloves of Midas.
Paladins from the Ministry of Omnipotent Affairs have also begun sensing a dark and disturbing presence growing in the east. The Ministry’s oracles cannot divine its source, but our network of rogue spies has noted an increase in activity — and excitement — among the nation’s reclusive bloodmage scholars …
So here’s a new patch for y’all, fixing some crash and interface issues while giving a small content boost to alleviate general merciless-ness! Full changelog follows:
Current Fixes:
- Made Enter key work like Spacebar for panel interactions
- Random dungeon pool now enabled with sample dungeons
- Dungeons may now require particular race / class selections
- Added additional easy quests
- Gateway dungeons made easier
- Dungeons now have visible difficulty ratings
- Locker items highlighted in green
- Cowardly enemies no longer retreat if already dead
- Creeplight goat crash fixed
- Passable+Flyable tiles are now correctly applied, meaning bridges are now visible
- Empty locker slots now provide meaningful mouseover text
- Dungeon shops won’t stock equipped locker items
- Certain subdungeons far more likely to spawn
- Wall Cruncher use no longer crashes the game
- Mystera’s Mana Leak is now single-use and inflicts mana burn
- Experience prediction might just work now
- Gold pickup sound effects added